Unify multiple backend APIs

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Modern easy service that lets me unify multiple backends into a unified API with shared authentication

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Unifying Multiple Backend APIs: What, Why, and How

What is Unifying Multiple Backend APIs?

Unifying multiple backend APIs refers to the process of combining multiple backend APIs into a single, unified API that provides a consistent and streamlined interface for accessing data and services from multiple sources. This is achieved by creating a new, abstracted API that sits on top of the existing backend APIs, allowing clients to interact with the unified API without worrying about the underlying complexities of the individual APIs.

Why Unify Multiple Backend APIs?

There are several reasons why businesses and organizations would want to unify multiple backend APIs:

  1. Simplify Client Development: By providing a single, unified API, clients don't need to worry about the intricacies of each individual API. This simplifies the development process and reduces the complexity of integrating with multiple APIs.
  2. Improve Security: Unified APIs can enforce a single set of authentication and authorization rules, making it easier to manage access to data and services.
  3. Enhance Data Consistency: Unifying APIs can help ensure data consistency across multiple systems by providing a single, unified data model.
  4. Increase Flexibility: Unified APIs can provide a more flexible interface for accessing data and services, allowing for easier integration with new or changing systems.
  5. Reduce Maintenance: Unifying multiple APIs can reduce the overhead of maintaining multiple, separate APIs, making it easier to update, patch, or retire individual APIs.

How to Unify Multiple Backend APIs

Unifying multiple backend APIs typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the APIs to Unify: Identify the existing backend APIs that need to be unified.
  2. Analyze the APIs: Analyze each API's strengths, weaknesses, and integration points to determine the best way to unify them.
  3. Design the Unified API: Design the unified API, including its architecture, protocol, and data model.
  4. Choose a Integration Approach: Choose the approach for integrating the unified API with the individual APIs, such as API keys, OAuth, or message queues.
  5. Implement the Unified API: Implement the unified API, either by creating a new API or modifying an existing one to include the unified API's functionality.
  6. Test and Validate: Test and validate the unified API to ensure it meets the requirements and behaves as expected.
  7. Deploy and Monitor: Deploy the unified API to production and monitor its performance, security, and availability.

Real-world Examples of Unified APIs

Some real-world examples of unified APIs include:

  1. Google's Google Cloud Endpoints: Google Cloud Endpoints allows developers to create a single, unified API that exposes their services to the world.
  2. AWS API Gateway: Amazon Web Services' API Gateway allows developers to create a single, unified API that integrates with multiple AWS services.
  3. Mulesoft's Anypoint Platform: Mulesoft's Anypoint Platform provides a unified API that integrates multiple systems and data sources.

In conclusion, unifying multiple backend APIs provides a powerful way to simplify client development, improve security, and enhance data consistency. By following the steps outlined above, businesses and organizations can create a unified API that provides a streamlined interface for accessing data and services from multiple sources.

To tackle the problem of unifying multiple backend APIs into a single, coherent API with shared authentication, you'll want to employ a strategy that centralizes and manages your API endpoints while maintaining a consistent authentication mechanism. Several modern services and tools can help you achieve this. Here are some steps and recommendations:

1. API Gateway

An API Gateway can serve as a single entry point for your multiple backend services. It provides routing, composition, and protocol translation services. Some popular API Gateway solutions include:

  • Amazon API Gateway: A fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.

  • Kong: An open-source API Gateway with a rich plugin ecosystem, allowing for easy extension of its functionalities.

  • Apigee: Google’s API Gateway, which provides robust tools for managing the full API lifecycle.

2. Microservice Orchestration

When dealing with multiple backends, often organized as microservices, an orchestrator can help manage service interactions, scaling, and deployment.

  • Kubernetes: While not solely an API Gateway, Kubernetes orchestrates containerized applications, automating deployment, scaling, and operations, helping you manage microservice architectures efficiently.

3. API Management Platforms

API Management Platforms offer you the tools to create unified APIs with shared authentication, rate limiting, and analytics.

  • Postman: Known for its API testing capabilities, Postman’s API management solutions enable easier collaboration and management of APIs.

  • Azure API Management: Allows for API gateway deployment, API lifecycle management, and security across various backend services.

4. Authentication Solutions

For shared authentication, consider using a well-supported OAuth provider to standardize authentication across your APIs.

  • Auth0: A popular identity platform providing authentication and authorization as a service, which can be integrated with multiple backends.

  • Firebase Authentication: Google’s authentication service for applications, offering easy integration and a variety of login methods.

5. API Composition and Aggregation

Aggregating data from different services and presenting them through a unified API endpoint can be accomplished using backend-for-frontend (BFF) patterns or GraphQL.

  • GraphQL: A query language for your API, which allows clients to request exactly the data they need, potentially combining multiple backend services into a single query. Apollo Server and Relay are popular GraphQL servers.

  • Backend-for-Frontend (BFF): Building a custom backend for each frontend allows more flexibility in aggregating backend services. This approach involves creating a dedicated service layer tailored to the frontend requirements.

6. Data Transformation and Integration

Sometimes, the data format or structure varies across backends. Tools for data transformation can be crucial.

  • Node.js with Express: A flexible and straightforward framework for creating HTTP servers, allowing you to build middleware for routing, transformation, and aggregation of your backend responses.


  • Security: Ensure that your unified API maintains robust security practices. Employ rate limiting, threat detection, and secure authentication methodologies.

  • Scalability: Choose a solution that can handle the expected load and can scale with growing demands. Cloud-native solutions like AWS, Azure, or GCP often offer better scalability.

  • Logging and Monitoring: Implement comprehensive logging and monitoring to track API usage, performance, and potential issues.

Example Setup

Using AWS tools as an example:

  1. Amazon API Gateway to route requests and aggregate responses from multiple backend services.
  2. AWS Lambda functions for custom data processing, transformation, and routing logic.
  3. Cognito for unified authentication across all services.
// Example AWS Lambda function for routing orchestrations
exports.handler = async (event) => {
    const serviceOneResponse = await callServiceOne(event);
    const serviceTwoResponse = await callServiceTwo(serviceOneResponse);
    // Process and combine responses
    const finalResponse = {

    return {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify(finalResponse)


Unifying multiple backend APIs into a unified API with shared authentication can significantly streamline your application architecture. Utilizing tools like API Gateways, microservice orchestration, API management platforms, and robust authentication services will enable you to create a cohesive, secure, and maintainable API ecosystem.