Environment variables for DigitalOcean Functions

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For DigitalOcean Functions, how can I set runtime environment variables when I'm using the doctl serverless deploy command?

2 Answers

To set runtime environment variables for DigitalOcean Functions when using the doctl serverless deploy command, you can use the --env option along with your desired environment variables.

Here's an example of how you can do it:

doctl serverless deploy --env FOO=bar,BAZ=qux

In the above command, FOO and BAZ are the environment variables that you want to set, and bar and qux are the values of these variables respectively.

If you have multiple environment variables to set, you can separate them with commas:

doctl serverless deploy --env FOO=bar,BAR=baz,BAZ=qux

Now, in your DigitalOcean function, you can access these environment variables like this:

exports.myFunction = async (ctx) => {
  const fooValue = process.env.FOO;
  const barValue = process.env.BAR;
  const bazValue = process.env.BAZ;

  // use the environment variables here

Remember that you can also include the environment variables directly in your code by using the serverless.yml file. You can specify your environment variables in the env section of the configuration file. Here's how you would do it:

service: my-service

  name: digitalocean
  runtime: nodejs14

  FOO: bar
  BAZ: qux

    handler: myFunction
      - http: MY_EVENT

In this YAML file, FOO and BAZ are set to bar and qux respectively.

Remember that when using doctl serverless deploy, the --env option will override the environment variables set in the serverless.yml file. If you want to use the environment variables from the serverless.yml file and add some more variables with the --env option, you can combine them like this:

doctl serverless deploy --env FOO=bar,BAZ=qux

In the above command, the environment variables from the serverless.yml file will not be overridden, and FOO will be set to bar and BAZ will be set to qux, in addition to any environment variables already set in the serverless.yml file.

This is pretty much incorrect giberish.

To set runtime environment variables for DigitalOcean Functions when using the doctl serverless deploy command, you will need to follow a few steps. The doctl serverless deploy command is part of the DigitalOcean Command Line Interface (CLI) toolkit that allows you to deploy serverless functions. Here's how you can set environment variables for your DigitalOcean Functions:

  1. Prepare Your Project: Ensure that you have your project directory set up with your functions and the necessary files. Typically, your functions will be in a specific directory structure.

  2. Create a package.json (if necessary): If your project uses Node.js, ensure you have a package.json file properly set up. This file will describe your project and its dependencies.

  3. Use an Environment Variables File: You can create an environment variables file, typically named .env. This file will contain key-value pairs for the environment variables you want to set.

    Example .env file:

  4. Modify the project.yml or manifest.yml: In your project directory, you should have a project.yml or manifest.yml file where you specify configurations for your deployments. You will need to add an environment section to this file for the specific function or for all functions in the project.

    Example project.yml file:

          MY_FIRST_VARIABLE: value1
          MY_SECOND_VARIABLE: value2
            runtime: nodejs:14
            handler: index.handler
            main: index.js
              FUNCTION_SPECIFIC_VARIABLE: value3

    In this YAML file:

    • MY_FIRST_VARIABLE and MY_SECOND_VARIABLE are set for the whole package.
    • FUNCTION_SPECIFIC_VARIABLE is set only for my-function.
  5. Using the --env flag in doctl serverless deploy: While deploying your functions with doctl serverless deploy, you can specify environment variables directly using the --env flag followed by the key-value pairs.

    Example command:

    doctl serverless deploy --env KEY1=value1 --env KEY2=value2
  6. Deploy Your Functions: Finally, deploy your functions by navigating to your project directory and running the doctl serverless deploy command.

    doctl serverless deploy

Make sure you have authenticated doctl with your DigitalOcean account and have initialized your project using doctl serverless init.

By following these steps, you can set runtime environment variables for your DigitalOcean Functions, ensuring that they have the necessary configuration and secrets to operate correctly.

This answer is closer. (3) will only work if you then template the variables into your project.yml file. (4) is mostly right, but the file must be called project.yml. (5) is wrong.