Help with understanding for loop and removing items from list (skipping elements)

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I'm currently learning python and I'm currently in lists, I'm doing this basic exercise that has me confused. I create a list of usernames, and then i just want to loop through it and remove the elements.

first code that has me confused
usernames = ['Joe', 'Hasbullah', 'Ralph', 'Admin', 'Rose']

for username in usernames:


In my head, I would of thought that the loop would go from element to element

Joe -> Hasbullah -> Ralph -> Admin -> Rose

however according to python tutor it goes like this

Joe -> Ralph -> Rose

leaving two elements in the list

I know i can fix it by slicing

for username in usernames[:]:

but why is doing it as username in usernames skipping every other element in the list?

2 Answers

The issue here is that you're modifying the list while iterating over it, which can have unexpected results.

When you iterate over a list using a for loop, Python doesn't copy the list and iterate over a copy. Instead, it keeps track of the current position in the list and moves forward one element at a time. This is why you're not seeing the elements in the order you'd expect.

When you call usernames.remove(username), you're modifying the original list. However, this can cause problems because the loop is now iterating over a modified list. Specifically, when the loop moves to the next element, it starts from the next element in the modified list, not the next element in the original list.

To see why this is happening, imagine the list as a deck of cards. The for loop is like a deck of cards with an index. The loop starts at the beginning of the deck, and each iteration moves the index to the next card. When you remove a card, the cards after that one shift down to fill the gap. So, when the loop moves to the next index, it's actually skipping over the card that was removed.

As for why it seems like it's skipping every other element, it's because the removal of elements shifts the indices of the remaining elements. For example, if you remove an element at index 2, the element that was previously at index 3 is now at index 2, and the element that was previously at index 4 is now at index 3. This can make it seem like elements are being skipped.

To avoid this issue, you can create a copy of the list and iterate over the copy while making changes to the original list. In your case, you could use a list comprehension to create a new list with the desired elements:

new_list = [user for user in usernames if user != 'Admin']
usernames[:] = new_list

Alternatively, you could iterate over the list in reverse order to avoid the issue:

for username in reversed(usernames):
    if username == 'Admin':

In this case, since we're iterating over the list in reverse order, we can safely remove elements from the list without worrying about the indices shifting. This is because we're effectively "moving backwards" through the list, so we're not altering the indices of the elements we're still iterating over.

When working with lists in Python, it's important to understand how modifying the list while iterating over it can affect the iteration process. This is because the iteration is happening on the same list that you're modifying. Let's break this down to understand exactly what's happening in your given code:

usernames = ['Joe', 'Hasbullah', 'Ralph', 'Admin', 'Rose']

for username in usernames:


To explain why this code behaves as it does, we'll examine what happens during each iteration of the for loop.

Initial List

usernames = ['Joe', 'Hasbullah', 'Ralph', 'Admin', 'Rose']

First Iteration

  • username is assigned to Joe.
  • Joe is removed from the list.
  • The list now becomes: ['Hasbullah', 'Ralph', 'Admin', 'Rose']

Second Iteration

  • The loop moves to the next index, which is 1. username is assigned to the element at index 1, which is now Ralph (because Hasbullah has moved to index 0 after the removal of Joe).
  • Ralph is removed from the list.
  • The list now becomes: ['Hasbullah', 'Admin', 'Rose']

Third Iteration

  • The loop moves to the next index, which is 2. username is assigned to the element at index 2, which is now Rose.
  • Rose is removed from the list.
  • The list now becomes: ['Hasbullah', 'Admin']

At this point, there are no more elements in the list for the loop to continue iterating over since the modified list's length is less than the original.

Why does it skip elements?

The primary issue occurs because the list is being modified (i.e., elements are being removed) while it is still being iterated over using the same list. This changes the indices of the remaining items causing the loop to skip certain elements.

Solution Using Slicing

To avoid this issue, you can iterate over a copy of the list while modifying the original list. Slicing creates a shallow copy of the list:

for username in usernames[:]:

print(usernames)  # Output will be an empty list

In this corrected code, usernames[:] creates a copy of the list, and the loop operates over this copy. Therefore, the original usernames list can be safely modified without affecting the iteration process. As a result, all elements are removed as expected.

Alternative Approaches

Several alternative approaches can also solve this problem:

  1. Using a while loop:

    while usernames:
        usernames.pop(0)  # Removes the first element each time
    print(usernames)  # Output will be an empty list
  2. Creating a new list:

    new_list = [username for username in usernames if some_condition]
  3. Using filter or similar functional programming tools:

    print(usernames)  # Output will be an empty list

By understanding how list modification during iteration affects the loop, you can better manipulate lists while avoiding unintended behavior.