Combining react and sveltekit apps

Viewed 12

I'm combining two open source projects to make a new application. One is built using react and the other is built using sveltekit.

I want to use a component from the sveltekit app (ChatWindow.svelte) in my react app (which handles all the site navigation and authentication).

What are some approaches and which do you recommend?

2 Answers

What an interesting challenge! Combining two different frameworks, React and SvelteKit, requires creativity and careful planning. Here are some approaches to integrate a SvelteKit component into a React app:

1. Webpack's Code Splitting

You can use Webpack's code splitting feature to load the SvelteKit component separately. This approach requires setting up a separate Webpack configuration for the SvelteKit component. This way, you can load the SvelteKit component dynamically in your React app using a library like loadjs or es Module Loader.

Pros: Easy to implement, no need to rewrite the SvelteKit component.

Cons: Requires additional setup for code splitting, and might add complexity to your build process.

2. Create a wrapper component

Create a new React component (e.g., ChatWindow) that wraps the SvelteKit component (ChatWindow.svelte). This wrapper component would render the SvelteKit component using dangerouslySetInnerHTML or ReactDOM.render.

Pros: Easy to implement, allows for customizing the SvelteKit component's behavior.

Cons: Requires rewriting the SvelteKit component as a React component, which might add complexity.

3. Use a third-party library

Libraries like react- svelte or svelte-react-container provide a way to render Svelte components in a React app. These libraries facilitate communication between the two frameworks.

Pros: Easy to implement, allows for seamless interaction between frameworks.

Cons: Requires an additional dependency, and might add complexity to your application.

4. Create a proxy API

Create a proxy API in your SvelteKit app that exposes the SvelteKit component's functionality as a REST API. Your React app can then consume this API to interact with the SvelteKit component.

Pros: Allows for decoupling the two frameworks, enables easy integration.

Cons: Requires additional setup for the proxy API, might add complexity to your backend.

5. Use a server-side rendering (SSR) approach

Implement SSR in both your React and SvelteKit apps. This approach allows you to pre-render the SvelteKit component on the server and then render the React app on the client-side.

Pros: Enables easy rendering of the SvelteKit component on the server, allows for universal rendering.

Cons: Requires additional setup for SSR in both frameworks, might add complexity to your application.

Based on the complexity and the trade-offs of each approach, I recommend using React-itive (react-svelte-container) library. This library makes it easy to render Svelte components in a React app and provides a convenient way to interact between the two frameworks.

Keep in mind that combining two different frameworks might add complexity to your application. Be prepared to invest time in setting up the integration, and consider carefully the trade-offs of each approach.

Combining a React app with a SvelteKit app is an interesting challenge because they are based on different frameworks and paradigms. However, there are a few strategies you can employ to integrate a SvelteKit component (like ChatWindow.svelte) within a React app:

Approach 1: Building the Svelte Component as a Web Component

One of the most straightforward ways to integrate a Svelte component into a React app is by compiling the Svelte component into a web component (custom element) and then using it within your React app.

  1. Export the Svelte Component as a Custom Element:

    • You need to build your Svelte component as a custom element. Svelte has built-in support for this:

      // ChatWindow.svelte
        export let props;
        /* Styles for your ChatWindow component */
        // ChatWindow custom element definition
        import ChatWindow from './ChatWindow.svelte';
        customElements.define('chat-window', ChatWindow, { attributes: ['props'] });
    • Compile the component: In your Svelte project, you can configure your build settings within rollup.config.js or vite.config.js to generate a custom element bundle.

  2. Include the Web Component in the React App:

    • Once you have your compiled web component, include that component in your React project.
    • Ensure you load the web component script in your React project, typically in your index.html or as an import in your index.js.
    • Use the custom element within your React components:
      // MyReactComponent.js
      import React from 'react';
      const MyReactComponent = () => {
        return (
            {/* All your other React JSX */}
            <chat-window props='{ "message": "Hello!" }'></chat-window>
      export default MyReactComponent;

Approach 2: Embedding via an Iframe

If the Svelte component is a larger part of an entire SvelteKit app and not just a component, embedding it via an iframe might be the simplest solution. Although this approach is less elegant, it ensures clear separation and can be easier to implement quickly.

  1. Host the SvelteKit Component Separately:

    • Deploy the SvelteKit application or the ChatWindow.svelte component to a web server where it can be accessed publicly.
  2. Embed the Frame in Your React App:

    • Use an iframe in your React app to embed the SvelteKit component:
      // MyReactComponent.js
      import React from 'react';
      const MyReactComponent = () => {
        return (
            {/* All your other React JSX */}
      export default MyReactComponent;

Approach 3: Micro-Frontends

A more advanced approach is to use micro-frontend architecture. This is ideal if you plan to scale the integration and maintain a large codebase with multiple frontend technologies.

  1. Module Federation:

    • Webpack 5 has introduced Module Federation, which allows for code to be dynamically shared between different applications.
    • Set up your React and SvelteKit apps to utilize Module Federation to share components.
  2. Using a Micro-Frontend Framework:

    • There are frameworks like Single-Spa that help in assembling micro-frontends together seamlessly.
    • Configure your SvelteKit and React apps to act as individual micro-frontends within a Single-Spa container.


For most use cases, Approach 1 (Building as a Web Component) is recommended:

  • It keeps bundle sizes smaller compared to iframes.
  • Offers better performance and control compared to an iframe.
  • Provides more straightforward integration compared to micro-frontends.

However, if you are integrating a full SvelteKit app or just looking for a quick solution, Approach 2 (Embedding via an Iframe) will suffice.

For larger applications with multiple teams or technologies, adopting Approach 3 (Micro-Frontends) may be the best solution for maintainability and scalability.

Each approach has its pros and cons, so choose the one that best fits the context and goals of your project.