What is the best way to send a short email from the Mac command line via my Google Apps account?

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What is the best way to send a short email from the Mac command line via my Google Apps account?

2 Answers

The age-old question of sending emails from the command line!

On a Mac, you can use the mail command-line tool, which allows you to send emails using various email services, including Google Apps. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to send a short email from the Mac command line via your Google Apps account:


  1. You need to have the mail command-line tool installed on your Mac. If you don't have it, you can install it by running the following command: brew install mail
  2. You need to have a Google Apps account and enabled IMAP/SMTP settings for your account.
  3. You need to have the mutt email client configured on your Mac. You can use mutt or any other email client that supports SMTP.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Configure your email credentials: Create a file called ~/.email with the following contents:
email="[email protected]"

Replace [email protected] and your_email_password with your actual Google Apps email address and password, respectively.
2. Set up your Google Apps IMAP/SMTP settings: You need to enable IMAP/SMTP settings for your Google Apps account. To do this, follow these steps:
* Go to your Google Apps account settings.
* Click on "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" or "Accounts" (depending on your account type).
* Enable IMAP and/or SMTP settings.
* Note down your SMTP server settings, which should look something like this: smtp.gmail.com (port 587) or smtp.zoho.com (port 587), among others.
3. Set your mutt configuration: Create a file called ~/.mutt with the following contents:

set imap_user=<[email protected]>
set imap_pass=<your_email_password>
set smtp_url=smtp://smtp.gmail.com:587
set from=<[email protected]>

Replace <[email protected]> and <your_email_password> with your actual Google Apps email address and password, respectively.
4. Send an email using the mail command: Now you can use the mail command-line tool to send an email. Here's an example:

mail -s "Hello, World!" -c "Hi, this is a test email from the command line." -b "[email protected]" -f

This command sends an email with the subject "Hello, World!", body "Hi, this is a test email from the command line.", and bcc's "[email protected]".

Tips and Variations:

  • To attach a file to the email, use the -a option followed by the file path, like this: mail -a /path/to/file.txt ...
  • To set a reply-to address, use the -r option, like this: mail -r [email protected] ...
  • You can also use other email clients like msmtp or s-nail instead of mutt.

By following these steps, you should be able to send short emails from the Mac command line via your Google Apps account.

Sending an email from the Mac command line via your Google Apps (Gmail) account can be achieved using various tools and methods. The following is a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to do this using msmtp and mutt.


  1. Install Homebrew (if you haven’t already, for package management):

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  2. Install msmtp and mutt:

    brew install msmtp mutt

Configuring msmtp for Gmail

First, you need to configure msmtp to use your Gmail account. Create a configuration file for msmtp.

  1. Create the .msmtprc file:

    nano ~/.msmtprc
  2. Add the following configuration (replace [email protected] and your_password_here with your email and app-specific password):

    auth           on
    tls            on
    tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    logfile        ~/.msmtp.log
    account        gmail
    host           smtp.gmail.com
    port           587
    from           [email protected]
    user           [email protected]
    password       your_password_here
    account default : gmail
  3. Set the correct permissions for the .msmtprc file:

    chmod 600 ~/.msmtprc

Sending an Email

You have multiple ways to send emails, but for simplicity, we'll use mutt since it integrates well with msmtp.

  1. Install mutt (if not already installed):

    brew install mutt
  2. Create a configuration file for mutt:

    nano ~/.muttrc
  3. Add the following configuration:

    set sendmail="/usr/local/bin/msmtp"
    set use_from=yes
    set realname="Your Name"
    set [email protected]
    set envelope_from=yes

This ensures mutt uses msmtp to send emails.

Using the Command Line to Send an Email

You can now send an email directly from the command line.

  1. Create a file with your email body:

    echo "This is a test email from the command line." > email_body.txt
  2. Send the email using mutt (replace [email protected] with the recipient's email address):

    mutt -s "Subject Here" [email protected] < email_body.txt
  • -s "Subject Here": Specifies the subject of the email.
  • [email protected]: The recipient's email address.
  • < email_body.txt: The file containing the body of the email.

Additional Tips

  • Use App-Specific Passwords: Google recommends using app-specific passwords instead of your main account password for added security.
  • Enable Less Secure Apps: You may need to enable less secure app access on your Google account, though using app-specific passwords is more secure.
  • Use OAuth2: For a more secure and modern approach, consider setting up OAuth2 with msmtp to avoid using passwords directly.


This detailed guide should help you send an email from the Mac command line via your Google Apps (Gmail) account using msmtp and mutt. This method provides a robust solution with customization and integrates well with Gmail’s SMTP server.