Apache Answer (answer.apache.org) for community Q&A site

Viewed 19

I’m thinking of using answer.apache.org for the very first implementation of this community. I’m worried that it’s a little too exactly like Stack Overflow, doesn’t have room for persisting lengthy chat histories, and could paint us into a corner in the future. But it would be fast and easy to get up and running. What do you think?

1 Answers

Using answer.apache.org for the initial implementation of Ducky.foo could indeed provide a quick and easy start. However, given your concerns about its similarity to Stack Overflow and limitations in handling lengthy chat histories, it's important to weigh the pros and cons:


  1. Speed and Ease of Setup: You can quickly get the community up and running, allowing you to start building a user base and gathering feedback.
  2. Established Platform: Leveraging a proven platform can provide stability and reliability in the early stages.


  1. Lack of Flexibility: As you mentioned, it might not support lengthy chat histories or other unique features you envision for Ducky.foo, potentially limiting future growth and differentiation.
  2. Similarity to Stack Overflow: This could make it harder to establish a unique identity and attract users looking for a different experience.
  3. Potential Technical Debt: Transitioning to a more customized solution later might be complex and costly.

Alternatives and Considerations

  1. Modular Approach: Start with answer.apache.org but plan for modularity. Implement it in a way that allows easy migration to a more customized solution later.
  2. Hybrid Solution: Combine answer.apache.org with other tools or custom-built components to support features like persistent chat histories.
  3. Custom Development: If resources allow, consider developing a custom solution from the start that aligns perfectly with your vision. This would be more time-consuming initially but might save time and resources in the long run.


Starting with answer.apache.org can be a pragmatic choice to quickly validate your concept and gather user feedback. However, ensure you have a clear plan for future scalability and customization to avoid being painted into a corner. If the initial launch is successful, you can then invest in developing a more tailored solution that better supports the unique features and community aspects you envision for Ducky.foo.