Templating .env file variables into DigitalOcean Functions project.yml

Viewed 14

I have a project.yml that starts off like this:

parameters: {}

DigitalOcean docs say these templates will get populated from my .env file if I have one in the project directory. I do, and it seems to be populating fine for ${OPEN_AI_KEY}. But for ${ANSWER_POSTER_AUTHORIZATION} it's not working. The value of ANSWER_POSTER_AUTHORIZATION in the .env file is something like this:


When I look at the function logs, I see that only the word "Basic" is coming through. It seems like the space is causing an issue. I've tryed quoting it with single quotes and leaving it unquoted, but same problem.

2 Answers

The issue is that the space in the value of ANSWER_POSTER_AUTHORIZATION is causing the templating engine to split the value into multiple parts, and only the first part (up to the space) is being used.

The reason for this is that the templating engine is using spaces as delimiters to separate the value from the key in the .env file. When it encounters a space in the value, it thinks it's the end of the key-value pair and stops processing the value.

To fix this, you can use one of the following approaches:

  1. Escape the space: You can escape the space in the value by surrounding it with quotes (") and/or using a backslash (\) to escape the space.


  1. Use a different delimiter: You can change the delimiter used by the templating engine to avoid spaces. For example, you can use @ as the delimiter instead of =.
  1. Use a different templating engine: If the DigitalOcean Functions templating engine is not flexible enough for your needs, you can try using a different templating engine, such as Jinja2 or Mustache, which may provide more flexibility in handling special characters in values.

In your project.yml file, you can try using the json templating language, which is more permissive when it comes to special characters. For example:

    {{ env.ANSWER_POSTER_AUTHORIZATION | replace('\'', '') | replace('\u0000', '') }}

This will replace the space in the value with an empty string, effectively removing it.

Remember to replace the project.yml file with the correct path to your project.yml file when you deploy your function.

I hope this helps!

To resolve the issue where only part of the ANSWER_POSTER_AUTHORIZATION environment variable is being populated, it looks like the space in the value is causing problems during the parsing from the .env file to your project.yml.

Here’s a detailed walkthrough to solve your issue:

  1. Ensure Proper Quoting in .env File:
    The .env file syntax is key-value pairs and it generally supports values in double quotes. Let's ensure that your .env file has the correct syntax.

    Given your .env file content:


    Make sure that not only ANSWER_POSTER_AUTHORIZATION but all variables are properly quoted.

  2. YAML Handling:
    YAML files are sensitive to certain characters, and you might need to ensure values are correctly escaped.

    Ensure that your project.yml is correctly formatted:

    parameters: {}

    This format assumes that the values from .env are to be interpolated.

  3. Debug Variable Handling:
    If the above steps are not resolving the issue, and it's likely related to the handling of space in your environment variable, you might want to see how the variable is handled in DigitalOcean's context.

    For example:


    This can be tested in an initialization script if your framework/runner supports it (or using a similar mechanism).

  4. Escaping Special Characters:
    Spaces and certain characters might need to be escaped. Ensure that the .env value is treated correctly by the shell and YAML parser.

    Try escaping the double quotes if DigitalOcean’s system doesn’t handle the normal .env parsing as expected:


    Alternatively, see if removing all quotes helps:

  5. Fallback/Debugging Values:
    Consider logging variables to debug where the issue arises:

    • Add a debugging step to log the full environment if possible.
    • Verify directly by setting and outputting in a script.

Here’s a simple example of how you might log:

  - name: exampleFunction
    path: /exampleFunction
    memory: 128MB
    runtime: nodejs18
    entrypoint: run.sh

  - command: npm install

And your run.sh:



This direct log should indicate how your environment variables are populated.

If this doesn’t resolve your issue, review DigitalOcean forums or support as this might be a system-specific issue, or a bug that needs attention.